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Media reports last week told of one woman who is quarantining in a Dublin hotel after her arrival into the State.  She asked the High Court for an inquiry into what she claims amounts to unlawful detention. The woman has evidence, which she attached to her medical documentation stating she received the vaccine in her home country. She has proof of a negative PCR test, so she reckoned there is no good reason for her quarantine. In spite of the number of questions she asked on her arrival about the reason for her quarantine, she did not receive the information she required. The authorities mandated her quarantine in a local hotel without giving a reason.

However, at the time of writing media reports declare the young woman received a phone call to say that she could leave the hotel and quarantine at home. Subsequently, mandatory hotel quarantine is not essential for anyone travelling from this particular country from where the woman travelled,   due to improved health conditions.

Something similar happened to Peter and John in the reading proclaimed at Mass today (Acts 4:23-31). The rulers, elders and scribes detained Peter and John because they taught the people about the resurrection. The authorities also knew that it was through Peter and John, that Jesus cured the lame man. However, the authorities could find no way to punish them, so they released Peter and John. Once released, the two men went off and told the community. The community gathered to pray to God. They recalled how the authorities crucified Jesus after which, three days later he rose to new life. The community continued to pray to the Lord, that the disciples would proclaim the good news ‘with all boldness’. They asked the Lord to help them to stretch out ‘your’ [the Lord’s] hand to ‘heal and to work miracles through Jesus’ name.’ The prayer was so powerful that the Gospel says, ‘the house rocked’ and ‘they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to proclaim the Word of God boldly.’

The Gospel (Jn 3:1-8) proclaims ‘how Nicodemus went to Jesus by night’. The light of Jesus led him to faith and Jesus spoke to him about being born ‘from above’. At first, Nicodemus could not understand what this meant. Jesus told him about Baptism. In Baptism, a person takes on a new life in the Spirit. Infants cannot do this until they are instructed. Adults awaken in Baptism and grow in strength and enlightenment and in faith; they live the life of the Spirit. This life of the Spirit helps them to love God and love their neighbour.

So in the readings today, God’s people learn about the importance of the assembled community, prayer, the coming of the Holy Spirit and Baptism.

The Grow in Love/I nGrá Dé religious education programme covers these themes throughout the various class standards. VERITAS provides online resources including the Grow in Love/I nGrá Dé e-books. Access available at:



Password: growinlove



  • Pray ‘Rejoice, Queen of Heaven’ from Grow in Love Fourth Class/P6, and ‘Regina Coeli’ as Gaeilge I nGrá Dé Rang VI, (video lyric)
  • An Phaidir/Our Father
  • Morning Prayer/Paidir na Maidine
  • Prayer to the Holy Spirit/ Paidir chuig an Spiorad Naomh
  • Night Prayer/Paidir na hOíche


  • Read the Baptismal promises. You will find them in Grow in Love/I nGrá Dé Rang V/Rang VI


  • Do you have any family photographs taken at your Baptism? Chat with your family about your Baptism. You may like to visit the Church where you received the sacrament of Baptism. What does the sacrament of Baptism call you to do? How can you share the Good News today?
  • Together with family, you can make the Sign of the Cross, ‘In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.’

Sr Anne Neylon



The world and its people have a heightened awareness of the damage caused to the planet in recent decades.  In 2015, Pope Francis wrote a letter to people in the whole world alerting them to the effects of climate change on the lives of people, especially to those who live in poverty. This letter is called Laudato Si’, On care of our common home. He wrote of the harmful effects of pollution, of consumerism and of the throwaway culture.  Pope Francis recorded in detail what is happening to our common home. Simultaneously, he directs people towards a new lifestyle and an ecological conversion. Time will tell how far countries have come in their conversion since 2015. A major challenge lies ahead in our ecological education.

People can choose to listen or ignore the call to change. The Word of God proclaims how Jesus Christ through Peter, challenged the Israelites to repent.

The reading at Mass (Acts 3: 11-26) continues with Peter’s address to the Israelites. He asks them why they are so surprised of the miracle God worked for the lame man who sat at the gate every day. Peter tells them it was not he or John that made the man walk, but it was Jesus. Then he recounts how they had treated Jesus in his last days. They handed him over to death; disowned him in the presence of Pilate; they rejected him and killed him. However, God raised Jesus from the dead and Peter proclaimed himself and John as witnesses. The Gospel proclaims, ‘it is faith in that name that has restored this man to health, as you all can see.’

Peter tries to make excuses for them saying, ‘I know that neither you nor your leaders had any idea what you were really doing.’ Peter calls them to repentance, to turn towards God and turn away from sin. Now, Jesus comes to save us from our sins.

The Gospel (Lk 24:35-48) proclaims Jesus’ appearance to the disciples. While they were talking, he stood in their midst and offered them the gift of peace. The disciples were terrified.  Jesus showed them his hands and his feet saying he was not a ghost. Their joy was so great that they were reluctant to believe, so he asked for something to eat. They gave him grilled fish and he ate it in their presence. Again, Jesus instructed them by opening ‘their minds to understand the Scriptures.’

These readings help us to have a deeper understanding of the resurrection of Jesus and to strengthen our faith in him. We continue to acknowledge our belief in God and pray an Act of Faith. We repent of our sins by turning towards God.

VERITAS provides online resources to support the teaching of the Easter stories including the Grow in Love/I nGrá Dé e-books. You will find the Easter theme explored in all class standards of the Catholic primary school, available on the Grow in Love website.



Password: growinlove



  • The Gloria/ An Ghlóir, The Nicene Creed/ An Chré-Nicé Chathair Chonstantín
  • Care for the Earth/ Cúram don Domhan
  • Act of Faith/ Gníomh Creidimh


  • From your Bible or from your Grow in Love/I nGrá Dé books read ‘The Empty Tomb’ (John 20:1-10)/ ‘An Tuama Folamh’ (Eoin 20:1-10) and ‘Jesus appears to Mary Magdalene’ (John 20:11-18), ‘Íosa á thaispeáint féin do Mháire Mhaigdiléana’ (Eoin 20:11-18)


  • Go outside on your street or look out the window. What signs of God’s creation can you see? Is there anything for which you might like to be thankful? Can you see any destruction caused to the environment? Is there anything you can do about that?
  • On the Grow in Love website, find the video lyrics for the following songs from Fifth Class/P7 and show them to a member of your family, ‘God has Given Us the Earth’, ‘Without Seeing You’, ‘Spirit Filled Day’, ‘Regina Coeli’

Sr Anne Neylon



In a recent discussion on homelessness, the group attempted to draw up a strategy to help alleviate homelessness in the world. The foundation from which the group worked was from the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The SDGSs, often called the UN Global Goals are a charter of 17 interconnected objectives designed to create a better world for all, by 2030. Goals numbered 1, 2, 3, 8, 16 and 17 relate to homelessness directly. To eradicate poverty and to work for the common good, it is of paramount importance that governments and societies take cognisance of these goals.

In the discussion, two people took part who had the lived experience of being homeless. Firstly, they suggested that a homeless person needs someone to recognise his/her presence. The second thing that would help people who are homeless they added, was more digital connectivity. One might have thought that the priority for a homeless person was a house! Sometimes it is not about strategies people draw up! The beginning of hope for one who is homeless is recognition as a human being.

In the reading for Mass today (Acts 3:1-10), the word proclaims the healing of a lame man. Paralysed from birth, the people brought him every day to the temple gate to beg from those who went into the temple. One day, Peter and John went to the temple. They saw the man who asked them for alms. Peter said to him, ‘Look at us’. The man expected to receive something from them but Peter said he had neither silver nor gold but acknowledged, ‘what I have I give you: In the name of Jesus of Nazareth: the Messiah, walk!’ Peter helped the man up and he began to jump up and down. He went into the temple, praised God, and shared the good news. It was not Peter or John that worked the miracle. Jesus worked through them. Jesus also works through each one of us. We can claim nothing of our own as everything comes through God and other people. Jesus is always alive and present among us.

The Gospel proclaimed at Mass today (Lk 24:13-35) describes the disciples’ surprise at their encounter with Jesus. It was only when the disciples shared the table with him and when Jesus took bread, blessed it, broke it and gave it to them that they identified him in the action. Having recognised Jesus, they too ‘told their story of what happened on the road and how they had recognised him at the breaking of bread.’

After his resurrection, Jesus appeared to many of the disciples. None of them initially recognised him. When Jesus spoke to the disciples on the road to Emmaus, he began with Moses and the prophets and explained to them everything that was written in the Scriptures about himself.

So today, let us explore what Scripture tells us about Jesus so we too may share the Good News of Jesus’ life death and resurrection.

VERITAS publications provides online resources for the Easter theme in the Grow in Love/I nGrá Dé religious education programme.  These include the Grow in Love/I nGrá Dé e-books and are available on the Grow in Love website:



Password: growinlove




  • Pray the Nicene Creed / An Chré Nicé-Chathair Constantin from Grow in Love/I nGrá Dé Rang VI
  • Pray St Patrick’s Breastplate/ Lúireach Phádraig from Grow in Love/I nGrá Dé


  • From your Bible or Grow in Love/ I nGrá Dé e-book for Fifth Class read the story of ‘The Road to Emmaus’ (Lk 24:13-35)/ An tSiúlóid chuig Eamáús (Lúcás 24:13-35).


  • Look at a map and find Jerusalem. Then find out how many kilometres Emmaus is from Jerusalem.
  • On the internet, find the Sustainable Development Goals. What progress do you think our country is making to be a better place for everyone by 2030?
  • Find the video lyrics of the following songs in the Grow in Love Fifth Class programme: ‘The Welcome Table’, ‘We come to your Feast’.



Sr Anne Neylon



Leaders and those in authority regularly take to the podium in this time of pandemic to tell citizens about the latest directives concerning the distribution of vaccines and the imposition and lifting of restrictions about travel, lifestyle, family visits etc. Citizens continue to ask questions, ‘What can we do?’ ‘What will happen my business, my job, my mortgage, my family?’ In the midst of all, the world knows there are many transitions taking place in life at every level. This is daunting for some, but we trust that all will be well. Meanwhile, we listen carefully to the authorities and maintain social distance, hand hygiene etc.

It is the season of Easter, one of hope, celebration and joy. Jesus died and rose to new life. Without Good Friday, there would be no Easter eggs!

The reading today (Acts 2:36-41) for Mass proclaims Peter’s address to the crowd. This is the first proclamation of Jesus’ resurrection. Peter spoke on behalf of the Twelve as he addressed ‘fellow Jews and all foreigners staying in Jerusalem.’ He appeals to them to listen to what he has to say. He speaks to them about Jesus of Nazareth, telling them they ‘must know for sure that God has made this Jesus whom you crucified both Lord and Christ.’

Of course, the people ‘were cut to the heart’ at what Peter and the apostles said.  On hearing it they asked, ‘What must we do?’ Peter told them to repent and be baptised in the name of Jesus Christ for ‘the forgiveness of your sins.’ Then, he said they would receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. Peter continued to give the message and appealed to them to save themselves. Many people responded positively, accepted the teaching and were baptised. Three-thousand new people joined the community that day.

Today, disciples commit to Jesus by opening their hearts to the message of Jesus and the Holy Spirit. The good news is that Jesus Christ is alive. Pope Francis encourages everyone to renew his or her encounter with Jesus Christ.

John’s account of the Gospel (Jn 20:11-18) proclaims Mary of Magdala standing outside the tomb on Easter Sunday morning. She cried as she bent down to look inside the tomb. It was empty except for two angels sitting where ‘the body of Jesus had been’ laid, one at the head and the other at his feet. They asked Mary why she was weeping and she told them they had taken the body of her Lord away and she did not know where they put it. As she spoke to the angels, she turned around and she saw Jesus standing there. She did not recognise him. He asked her why she was crying and whom she was looking for. Then he called her name, ‘Mary’ and she recognised Jesus. She said ‘Rabbuni’, which means Master. He told her not to cling to him, indicating to Mary that there was now a change in their relationship.  Jesus told her ‘to go and find the brothers and tell them that he ‘was now ascending to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God.’ Mary went and told the disciples that she had seen the Lord and told them the things he said to her. Mary was the apostle to the apostles.

From now on, the disciples related to Jesus as Lord. The characteristic of the new relationship of calling Jesus Lord meant that they related to him in faith. Jesus is now one with God.

Like the first disciples, we get to know Jesus through the dim light of faith in times of sorrow and joy, day by day. Disciples grow in thier understanding of what Jesus means when he says ‘happy are those who do not see and yet believe.’

The accounts of the resurrection are available online for each of the class standards of the Grow in Love/I nGrá Dé programme. Access to the online resources on the theme of Easter, including the Grow in Love /I nGrá Dé e-books are available on the VERITAS Grow in Love website.



Password: growinlove



  • In the Easter season God’s people pray ‘Regina Coeli’ at 12 noon and 6.00 p.m. instead of the Angelus. ‘Regina Coeli’ is the Latin Word for Queen of Heaven. Mary, Mother of God is Queen of Heaven. You will find the video lyric for this song in Grow in Love /P6 for Fourth Class
  • Pray ‘The Nicene Creed’ from Grow in Love /I nGrá Dé Rang V & Rang VI


  • From your Bible or from the Grow in Love/I nGrá Dé e-book read ‘The Empty Tomb’ (John 20:1-10) and ‘Jesus appears to Mary Magdalene’ (Jn 20:11-18)


  • When Jesus rose to new life, he brought new life to the apostles and the Christian community. Look out your window or go outside and see the new life of spring. Record the ways in which the environment is changing. You may like to take some photos of new life in spring.


Sr Anne Neylon



An anonymous post on Facebook recently read, ‘The saddest thing about betrayal is that it never comes from your enemies.’ A challenging question arises, ‘Will you still love even if you are hurt?’  Betrayal is probably one of the worst things that can happen in a relationship. Betrayal breaks trust and trust is not easy to restore. Has someone betrayed you? Have you betrayed another?

Today is Spy Wednesday, called because of the actions of Judas Iscariot. Sadly, betrayal in relationship with God, self and with others is part of the sinful nature of humankind. God loves each one unconditionally.

The reading proclaimed at Mass today (Is 50:4-9) is taken from the prophet Isaiah. On reflection one asks, ‘Who is the prophet talking about, himself or another?’ The prophets in the Old Testament endured cruelty, suffering and rejection from others because they loved God. They wanted to do what God asked of them. These prophets heard the call of God and they knew their mission was to speak God’s word. The people did not like the prophets’ messages and they tried to suppress them and kill them.  God asks each prophet to listen to his word like a disciple and to proclaim it. Because the prophet was obedient, ‘he made no resistance to those who struck him and pulled at his beard.’ What Isaiah describes is a foretaste of what will happen to Jesus, as he faces his trial and death on Calvary.  The language is violent. In the face of violence, the prophet did not rebel. The prophet knows in his heart that ‘the Lord is coming to my [his] help.’

Prophets speak the voice of God today, but many people choose to ignore what they hear. For some years now, the people of the world hear regularly of the damage humankind by its lifestyle causes the planet. Pope Francis prompts the world to take note of the destructive forces damaging the environment. He calls for an eco-conversion. His message to the whole world in Laudato Si’ is an enlightening document instructing care for our common home. Are God’s people prepared to listen to the prophets today? God calls each one to be a prophetic voice to speak God’s word. Are the people of the world prepared to undergo an eco-conversion as the Pope challenges them to hear the cries of the poor, to save the planet and God’s creation?

The psalmist (Ps 68) commits his life to God. He is prepared to suffer the taunts and the shame. He burns ‘with zeal for your [God’s] house.’ The psalmist will praise God’s name and give thanks because he trusts in God. The assembly answers, ‘In your great love, O Lord, answer my prayer for your favour.’

The Gospel (Mt 26:14-25) read at Mass today proclaims the betrayal of Jesus by Peter. Judas went to the chief priests and asked them what they were prepared to give him if he handed Jesus over to them. They paid him thirty pieces of silver. Judas awaited an opportunity to betray him.

Meanwhile, Jesus instructed the disciples to go and prepare the Passover. That evening, the disciples were at table with Jesus and he confronted them saying, one of them was to betray him. They were distressed as they wondered who was going to do that. In turn, they asked ‘Not I surely?’ Judas also asked that question. Jesus said to Judas, ‘They are your own words’.

Jesus knew what was in Judas’ mind. Judas chose to betray Jesus in spite of Jesus calling him to be one of his twelve apostles. Judas considered 30 pieces of silver were worth more to him than his friendship and commitment to Jesus. There were consequences for Judas and Jesus.

Jesus also knows what is in our mind better than we know ourselves. That is why we pray to the Holy Spirit to guide us in God’s ways.  God gives us free will and stands ready to forgive our sins. Towards the end of Lent, we reflect on the ritual of Ash Wednesday and the words ‘Repent and believe in the Gospel.’ Our Lenten journey for 2021 is almost at a close. We thank God.

VERITAS publications offers free online resources for Holy Week in all standards of the Grow in Love/I nGrá Dé religious education programme available at:



Password: growinlove



  • Pray the Prayers to the Holy Spirit/ Paidreacha chuig an Spiorad Naomh
  • Pray the Act of Faith/Gníomh Creidimh
  • Pray the Act of Sorrow/ Gníomh Dóláis


  • From your Bible or from your Grow in Love/I nGrá Dé e-book for Sixth Class read ‘Jesus Eats the Passover Meal with his Disciples’ (Mt 26:20-30) and ‘The Betrayal and Arrest of Jesus’ (Lk 22:47-53)
  • Read the poem ‘Remember’ from Grow in Love/I nGrá Dé e-book for Fourth Class ‘AT HOME’ page, p. 57


  • From the Grow in Love programme for Fifth Class, watch ‘The Summons’.
  • What might God be summoning you to do?


  • Check out the times of the Easter ceremonies on the webcam from the local parish Church during Holy Week. Consider which ones you will attend and invite your family to join you
  • It will be soon time to return your Trócaire box to the Church… Read the stories of the suffering families on the box and consider donating some of your pocket money to help people in need.


Sr Anne Neylon



In the calendar year, people set aside certain weeks to celebrate specific events. For instance, in schools children participate in Science Week, Maths Week, Friendship Week, Catholic Schools Week, Active Week etc. The world sets aside international days to include World Book Day, World Wildlife Day, World Water Day, World Poetry Day and many more. There is tremendous value in celebrating such dedicated days and weeks.

The Church also celebrates such times to highlight events. For example, each year the Church celebrates Holy Week, which begins on Palm Sunday. In Holy Week Christians recall, remember and celebrate the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

The reading proclaimed at Mass today from the prophet Isaiah (Is 49:1-6) is the second song of God’s servant. The Judean exiles at Babylon thank God for choosing them for a unique mission. To these, God will entrust the future of Israel. The words spoken by the prophet Isaiah speak of our vocation in Christ. With such words, God calls disciples to continue the mission of Jesus.  Before God calls, a person listens and pays attention to God’s word, in this case spoken by the prophet Isaiah. God speaks in the silence of one’s heart. The person responds to God and here, God makes a promise. ‘I will make you the light of the nations that my salvation will reach to the ends of the earth.’ Whom is God talking about?  God is talking about Jesus whom he will send. In the New Testament, the Word proclaims Jesus, the light of the world. The disciples follow the Light.

The psalmist (Ps 70:1-6. 15. 17) acknowledges God’s help. He images God as a ‘rock’ and a ‘stronghold’. The assembly respond at Mass, ‘My lips will tell of your help’ (Ps 70: 15). Disciples tell others of God’s help in their lives. We take a moment to reflect on the ways God helps us in life. God offers help through other people. Jesus teaches us to love one another.

In the Gospel (John 13:21-33, 36-38), God’s people hear of Jesus being troubled in spirit as his imminent death approaches. He is at dinner with his disciples and conscious that one of the twelve will betray him. The disciples look at one another trying to imagine who among them will betray Jesus. John asked Jesus ‘Who is it Lord?’ Jesus said ‘the one to whom I give the piece of bread.’ It was Judas Iscariot. Jesus said something to Judas and he left and went out. The others did not know where he was going. They thought Jesus sent him on a message because he was in charge of the common fund. When Judas left, Jesus spoke to the disciples and told them, he would not be much longer with them. Simon wanted to know where he was going but Jesus just told him he could not come with him at this time, but later he would follow. Peter was still curious and persistent and wanted to follow.  Peter told Jesus he would lay down his life for him. Jesus responded, ‘before the cock crows you will have disowned me three times.’

As disciples, we also sit around the table with Jesus. The disciples in their own ways showed weakness of betrayal, denial and doubt. Their weaknesses in commitment signify ours also. That is why this time of Holy Week calls us to a deeper knowledge, love and understanding of Jesus.  We take time to reflect and pray with the psalmist.

VERITAS publications provide online resources including the Grow in Love/ I nGrá Dé e-books for Holy Week for each class standard of the Grow in Love/I nGrá Dé religious education programme available on the Grow in Love website.



Password: growinlove



  • Pray ‘The Mystery of Faith’/ ‘Rúndiamhair an Creidimh’ from the Mass responses
  • Pray the Act of Faith/Gníomh Creidimh


  • From your Bible or from your Grow in Love/I nGrá Dé e-book for Sixth Class read ‘Jesus Eats the Passover Meal with his Disciples’ (Mt 26:20-30) and ‘The Betrayal and Arrest of Jesus’ (Lk 22:47-53)


  • Check out the times of the Easter ceremonies on the webcam from the local parish Church during Holy Week. Consider which ones you will attend and invite your family to join you

Sr Anne Neylon



In spite of Covid restrictions, preparations take place for the Easter season. Easter eggs and Easter fare sell well in supermarkets and local shops. Advertisements on the media encourage people to buy all the essentials to celebrate the Easter feast. Nobody expected to be in this second season of lockdown. We hoped that Easter of 2020 would not repeat itself but it has unfortunately. This week gives time to reflect on Easter. People celebrate for different reasons. Why do you celebrate Easter? Hope and joy are alive with the new life of Resurrection.

Christians celebrate Holy Week beginning with Palm Sunday with the mix of emotions proclaimed in the Palm Sunday Liturgy. On Palm Sunday, Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey. He would celebrate the Jewish festival of Passover with his friends later in the week.   With restrictions, death and grief all around, God’s people can stand in solidarity with Jesus as he approaches his imminent death. This week the Churches will celebrate Holy Week and Easter ceremonies online, offering God’s people options to travel everywhere virtually.

The first reading proclaimed at Mass from the prophet Isaiah (Is 42:1-7) introduces God’s servant who is chosen and the one in whom God’s soul delights. Endowed with the spirit of God he will ‘bring justice to the nations.’ He will not cry out or shout aloud. He is as a lamb led to the slaughter, doing the will of God. God is preparing his servant for the mission of justice, which lies ahead. All the signs of vocation are there. God calls the servant to ‘serve the cause of right’. The call is personal and unique. God takes the servant by his hand, accompanying him and forming him. The servant ‘is the covenant of the people and the light of the nations.’ His mission is ‘to open the eyes of the blind, to free captives from prison and those who live in darkness from the dungeon.’ God accompanies his servant.

This is the mission of Jesus and the mission in which God’s people engage. Disciples do not go alone.  God’s Spirit is with them always.

The psalmist recognises the strength of God (Psalm 26: 1-3, 13-14). God is light, help, and ‘a stronghold of my life.’ The assembly respond to the verse of the Psalm saying, ‘The Lord is my light and my help.’ There is no need to fear. The psalmist is certain he will ‘see the Lord’s goodness’ and encourages those who listen to ‘hope in the Lord, hold firm and take heart.’ The words of the song come to mind, ‘He will hold me fast.’

In Holy Week, Jesus trusted in God through the fear and anguish, he experienced.

The Gospel (Jn 12:1-11) proclaims Jesus’ encounter in Bethany where he went for a dinner in Lazarus’ house, having raised him from the dead. Mary, Martha and Lazarus were close friends of Jesus. Mary expresses her passionate love for Jesus by anointing his feet with a very expensive ointment. She dried his feet with her hair. Mary’s anointing becomes one of preparation for the burial of the body after death.

Judas challenged Mary on buying such expensive nard. He had charge of the common fund and suggested spending the money on the poor. Though Judas was one of the twelve apostles, he was not committed to Jesus. Jesus told him to ‘leave her alone.’ Jesus knew what was in Judas’ heart, that he was about to betray him. Jesus also knew that this was the last time he would visit Bethany because his hour was near. Many of the Jews were angry when they heard Jesus was in the house. They came to seek information about Jesus and to kill Lazarus. It was because of Lazarus that many of the Jews began to believe in Jesus. All is in preparation for Jesus’ final hour.

The Grow in Love/I nGrá Dé programme covers Holy Week in each class standard. Online resources including the Grow in Love/I nGrá Dé e-books are available.



Password: growinlove



  • From your Bible or from the Grow in Love/I nGrá Dé e-books for Third and Fourth Class, read what God said to the Jewish people about observing the Sabbath (Exodus 20:1, 8-10)
  • Read ‘The Ten Commandments at Sinai’ (Exodus 19:3-8) from Grow in Love/I nGrá Dé Third Class
  • Read ‘The Ten Commandments’ (Exodus 20:1-11) Grow in Love/I nGrá Dé Fourth Class
  • Read the First Passover (Exodus 12:21-23) Grow in Love/I nGrá Dé Fourth Class
  • From your Bible or from the Grow in Love/I nGrá Dé e-books for Third/ Fourth and Fifth classes read about the Jewish festival of Pesach when Jewish families celebrate a special Passover meal called the Seder meal. This meal recalls how their ancestors, the Israelites, escaped from Egypt to freedom in the Promised Land.


  • Pray the ‘Sabbath Prayer’ with your family from Grow in Love/ I nGrá Dé Third Class p. 96.


  • In the Grow in Love/I nGrá Dé online resources for Fifth Class find the video lyrics for the following songs, ‘The Servant Song’, ‘The Welcome Table’, ‘We Come to Your Feast’


  • Write up the menu for a Seder meal. Guidelines are in the Fifth Class Grow in Love/I nGrá Dé religious education programme


Sr Anne Neylon



Announcements are central to our lives, especially during this time of Covid. We wait from day to day for news of what is going to happen next in every area of life. We wait for announcements on:  rising or falling numbers of Covid deaths daily, travel restrictions, opening of crèches’, schools and colleges, dates and times of administration of vaccines, return to Church liturgies, sports fixtures, opening of restaurants, spread of the virus and much more. What announcement are you waiting to hear? Somehow, we never give up hope as we wait from one day to the next. We learn patience and trust, even though we may feel despondent.

The first reading from the prophet Isaiah (Is 7: 10-14. 8:10) proclaims at Mass today the prophecy about the Virgin giving birth. People consider this one of the most important prophecies of Scripture. The prophet announces, ‘The Lord himself therefore will give you a sign… the maiden is with child and will soon give birth to a son whom she will call Emmanuel, a name which means, ‘God-is-with-us.’

The response to Psalm 39 sums up the disciples’ mission in life, ‘Here I am Lord! I come to do your will.’

In the second reading from Hebrews (Heb 10:4-10), Scripture proclaims how Jesus came to do his Father’s will. He did this by laying down his life for all. God calls each one to do his will. That means, we follow the way of Jesus in loving God and one another. In prayer, we listen to what God asks of us.

The Gospel (Lk 1: 26-38), proclaims Mary’s response to God. Angel Gabriel came to Mary with an announcement from God. Gabriel announces good news to a highly favoured woman. Gabriel greets Mary, ‘Rejoice, so highly favoured!’ This was the moment of decision of the destiny of the world.  God chose Mary as favoured and beloved. Disturbed at first by the angel’s invitation, Mary recognised the divine revelation of her unique calling.   Mary heard in the announcement what the angel said about Jesus. He is Saviour and he will be great. He will be son of David and Son of the Most High. Mary’s response is definite. She boldly expresses her faith and surrenders saying, ‘I am the handmaid of the Lord.’  In offering this invitation to Mary to become the Mother of his Son, God loved Mary with a greater love than God had for any other creature. Hence Mary is called full of grace. She is full of grace and has a role in our salvation. God’s grace teaches us to do God’s will.

Today God’s people celebrate Mary as the first disciple, the one who said yes to God. She is the model for all disciples.

Each time we pray the Angelus we recall the sacred moment when Gabriel called Mary to be Mother of God. Let us reflect on Mary’s beauty, faith, care, courage and confidence.

This Scripture is explored in every stage of the Grow in Love/ I nGrá Dé programme. The themes include prayer, discipleship, devotion to Mary, and striving to do God’s will. VERITAS provides accompanying online resources to support the theme of the Annunciation, including the Grow in Love/I nGrá Dé e-books.



Password: growinlove



  • Hail Mary/ ‘S é do bheatha a Mhuire
  • The Angelus/ Fáilte don Aingeal
  • The Magnificat


  • From your Bible or from the Grow in Love/ I nGrá Dé e-book read the story of the Annunciation (Lk 1: 26-38)


  • You might pray the first Joyful Mystery of the Rosary, The Annunciation on your Rosary Beads. Invite members of your family to join you in prayer
  • How many words can you find in the word ‘Annunciation’
  • Today, listen to all the announcements in your family and on the news
  • Is there an announcement you would like to make?


  • Do you think God desires to make an announcement to you? What might it be? Share it with your family.


Sr Anne Neylon



Some think, ‘it is just children who break boundaries that their parents/guardians set for them.’ A parent/guardian says, ‘don’t go to such and such a place’ or ‘you must be home at a certain time’ etc and the instruction falls on ears that choose not to hear. This time of pandemic, the authorities restrict play dates for children, place limits on travel, house visits, shopping, leisure and social activities and so much more. These restrictions cause stress for people. They limit a person’s freedom. Many unable to cope with such limits on their lives do not persevere and take a chance of going where they please. Other personalities stand firm in what the authorities ask. The authorities impose the restrictions, to which people make individual and personal choices. There are consequences for the choices a person makes.

The reading proclaimed at Mass today  (Dan 3:14-20) tells of three young men named Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego who refused King Nebuchadnezzar to worship one of his gods, the golden statue. He asked the young men if they were prepared to worship the golden statue at the sound of the various musical instruments. He warned them of the consequences of not worshipping the statue- they would be ‘thrown straight away into the burning fiery furnace.’ He further tested them asking, ‘and where is the god that could save you from my power?’ They told the king of their trust in God, and he was infuriated. King Nebuchadnezzar ordered the army to throw the three young men into the furnace.   God saved the men in the fire and in disbelief the king said, I can see four men walking about freely in the heart of the fire without coming to any harm.’ Nebuchadnezzar realised that God sent his angel to rescue the men. He recognised that ‘they preferred to forfeit their bodies rather than serve or worship any god but their own.’

The psalm proclaimed by the assembly (Dan 3: 52), offers ‘glory and praise’ to God for evermore. God desires our praise and thanks each day.

The Gospel (Jn 8:31-42) proclaims Jesus’ teaching to the Jews. He invites them to the way of discipleship by accepting his word and teaching. Through the word, they will learn the truth of Jesus’ identity. The truth will set them free (as it did to Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego). The Jews argued with Jesus saying they were sons of Abraham.  Jesus tries to explain to them about their Father in heaven but he sees ‘that nothing I say has penetrated into you.’ Jesus teaches them the truth about God but they do not believe.  The truth about God is that there is one God and God sent Jesus into the world to proclaim his name.

The message today for disciples is that they worship one God, three distinct persons, the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. It is the mystery of the Blessed Trinity. This is our faith. We proclaim our faith as we say the Apostles’ Creed. The first of the Ten Commandments states ‘I am the Lord your God, you shall not have any strange gods before me.’ The disciple honours God when he/she prays, ‘To you glory and praise for evermore.’

Today we give glory and praise to God for our family and friends, for the gift of a new day, for the wonders of nature this springtime and for all who care for us.

VERITAS publications provides online resources on the theme of faith, belief and trust in the one true God, the Mystery of the Trinity. There is also access to the children’s Grow in Love I nGrá Dé e-book.



Password growinlove




  • Cré na nAspal/ The Apostles’ Creed
  • Gníomh Creidimh/Act of Faith
  • ‘To you glory and praise for evermore.’


  • Find out how many words you can make from the name Nebuchadnezzar
  • You might draw a picture of the following musical instruments, horn, pipe, lyre, trigon, harp, and bagpipe. Browse the internet to check out the sounds of these instruments. Do you play a musical instrument? What is your favourite musical instrument? Do you associate any of these musical instruments with a musician?


  • From your Bible or from the Grow in Love/I nGrá Dé e-book read the Ten Commandments from the Book of Exodus



Sr Anne Neylon



It is so easy to apportion blame or accusation on a person. This forms the plot in books and films. Sadly, it regularly happens in a person’s life and can have devastating consequences on mental health.  A person blames another in the wrong because perhaps, they are afraid to tell the truth about something. Maybe the person who accuses or blames another wants to take the focus off him/herself from something that happened. One may also act too quickly in blaming the wrong person. Or a person might seek revenge on another for a past hurt.

St Vincent de Paul had such an experience in his life. While a student, Vincent took up residence in Paris. He was too poor to own his own house, so he hired a room and shared it with a man, a minor judge from his own part of the country. Vincent soon discovered that shared accommodation had its drawbacks. One day, Vincent felt sick and had to stay in bed. His companion, the judge, left early to attend business in the city. Vincent sent to a nearby chemist for some medicine. The pharmacist’s assistant was looking in the cupboard for a glass when he discovered the judge’s purse containing 400 écus. The young man was tempted and pocketed the money. As soon as the assistant attended to Vincent, he left the house and ran away. On his return from work, the judge noticed the money was missing. He blamed Vincent, but the latter pleaded his cause. The judge threw Vincent out of the house and told everyone that Vincent stole the money. Vincent’s reaction was exemplary. It did not occur to him to blame the assistant. He contented himself with the meek reply, ‘God knows the truth.’ Six years later, the same assistant was guilty of another crime and sent to prison. He confessed his crime, wrote to Vincent, and begged his pardon. Vincent granted him the pardon he asked. Truth won out.

Today’s reading proclaimed at Mass (Dan 13) tells how Susanna suffered in the wrong and nevertheless showed the depth of her faith in God. Her lustful judges accused and humiliated her for having an affair with a young man. Quietly, she trusted God as she declared herself innocent.  Susanna’s prayer to God, ‘Eternal God, you know what is hidden and are aware of all things’ prompted the Holy Spirit to speak the truth through Daniel.

Likewise, in the Gospel proclaimed at Mass (John 8:1-11), Jesus challenged the scribes and Pharisees who condemned the woman, caught committing adultery. He said to the bystanders, ‘If there is one of you who has not sinned, let him be first to throw a stone at her.’  They walked away. Jesus told the woman to ‘go away and don’t sin anymore.’ In saying this to the woman, Jesus told her to go away and not to hurt herself or others. He did not accuse the woman. Jesus’ response is always one of compassion.

These readings provide insight into the value of truth and trust in God. St Vincent de Paul offers a good maxim in his words, ‘God knows the truth.’  Susanna’s prayer ‘Eternal God, you know what is hidden and are aware of all things’ assures us of God’s awareness of everything that happens in life.  With faith, hope and trust in God, such words suffice in times of blame and accusation. Do I really believe that God knows the truth about everything?

The response to Psalm 23, ‘If I should walk in the valley of darkness, no evil would I fear’ offers consolation and comfort to the assembly. The words are worth imprinting on minds and hearts. They assure us that ‘The Lord is our shepherd; there is nothing I shall want.’ We pray for a spirit of faith and trust in God.

The themes of trust, hope, and the awareness of God’s presence permeate the Scripture throughout the Grow in Live/I nGrá Dé lessons of the Grow in Love religious education programme. VERITAS publications provide free access to online resources including the Grow in Love/I nGrá Dé e-book.



Password: growinlove



  • From the Bible or the Grow in Love/I nGrá Dé e-book read Psalm 23 and Psalm 37.


  • Using the Grow in Love video lyric sing Psalm 37, ‘Trust in the Lord.’


  • Chat with your family today about whom you can trust. Who are the people who trust you?
  • On this Trócaire Lenten Campaign for 2021 who are the families who trust your family to help them? How will your family help?


  • Ár bPaidir Misiúnta/Mission Prayer/ Our Mission Prayer
  • Gníomh Dóláis/Act of Faith
  • Cré na nAspal/The Apostles’ Creed.


Sr Anne Neylon