Archive for June, 2020



St Norbert, bishop

St Jarlath, bishop

Saturday Mass of the Blessed Virgin Mary

‘The Lord’s is the earth and its fulness; come let us adore him.’ (Invitatory antiphon)

Blessed Frédéric Ozanam (1813-1853), founded the Society of St Vincent de Paul (SVP) in France in 1833. The SVP is an international voluntary Christian organisation, the aim of which is, to help people who live in poverty. Once Frédéric asked, ‘Why are… poor people more ready to share their goods than rich people? The answer is easy: The poor have little to lose; the rich have more to lose and they are more attached to their possessions.’


The Gospel today (Mk 12:38-44) is proclaimed at Mass via the webcam or read in the New Testament.

Jesus continues to teach in the Temple. As the people listen, he speaks about being authentic, humble and true. While Jesus doesn’t use these words he warns his listeners about the scribes, teachers of the law who, ‘like to walk around in long robes, and to be greeted with respect in the marketplaces, and to have the best seats in the synagogues and places of honour at banquets.’ In addition, he says, ‘they devour widow’s houses and for the sake of appearance say long prayers.’ These people looked for notice and were attached to their possessions.

In Scripture we read that Jesus prayed alone and with the disciples, on mountain tops, beside the lake, in the garden, in houses, on the roadside, from the cross, and in lonely places. He accompanied people and reached out to those who were on the margins of society. He heard the cries of the sick, the poor, the lame, the hungry and he cared for them. He taught his disciples ‘those who are first will be last and those who are last will be first.’ (Mt 20:16). He told them he came among them ‘not to be served but to serve.’ (Mt 20:28). He also reminded them that they received without charge, they must give without charge (Mt 10:8).

Jesus then sat down and watched what was happening in the Temple. He saw many rich people putting money into the treasury. He noticed a poor woman putting in two small copper coins. At that point, he called his disciples and taught them a life-long lesson from this experience in a few words. He explained the rich people gave according to their abundance. The poor woman ‘out of her poverty has put in everything she had, all she had to live on.’

Jesus spoke to them of the importance of sharing and generosity. The woman had a heart of love and gave all she had to live on, showing self-sacrifice and her dependence on God and her love of God. How did this poor woman know from where her next pennies would come? She trusted in God and his Divine Providence.

In the reading of the second letter from St Paul to Timothy (2 Tim 4:1-8), St Paul offers his last words of advice to Timothy, pleading, ‘I urge you to preach the Word, in season and out of season, reproving, rebuking or advising, always with patience and providing instruction.’



Children could be invited to chat about some ideas in this Gospel (Mk 12:38-44). They might chat about prayer; about whom we talk to when we pray; about praying with a thankful heart; being sorry; asking for something they need; praising God; and ask Jesus to pray for them and for people who live in poverty. They might: name the prayers they know, say a prayer and chat; families might say a prayer together; chat about being able to pray everywhere and the importance of taking a moment to pray in silence; pray Pope Francis’ ‘Five Finger Prayer’; pray to Mary, Mother of God and our Mother.

From the experience of prayer, they are invited to share what they have with others, especially those in need. The Holy Spirit will prompt and inspire them when they are ready.

Children might talk about the Temple and the Church and about their parish church. In First Class/P3 the children are introduced to an adapted version of the Scripture, ‘The Woman Who Gave All’ (Lk 21:1-4 and Mk 12:41-44). They recognise the woman’s willingness to share.  Children might reflect on their ability to share.

On the Word of God, children recognise the Sacred Scripture.  They are taught about the Bible as the inspired Word of God and to be treated with reverence and respect. People of other faith traditions also have sacred texts. The Jewish people read from the Torah and the Muslims read from the Qu ‘ran.

To help the children respect the Bible, they pray a ‘Prayer on Opening the Bible’ and a ‘Prayer on Closing the Bible’. The Bible is left in a prayer space at home and in school. They are encouraged to hear the Word of God proclaimed and are encouraged to listen and to hear what God might be saying to them in their hearts. They are invited to pray with the Word of God. They might like to read their favourite Scripture passage.

Resources are accessible on the VERITAS website; including the Children’s e-book and accompanying resources to explore the person of Jesus, as one who listened to the Word of God and heard the cries of the poor.



Password: growinlove


READ from Grow in Love/ I nGrá Dé:

‘The Woman who gave all’ (Lk 21:1-4, Mk 12: 41-44).

SING from Grow in Love/I nGrá Dé:

‘ Bible Rap’, ‘ When Jesus was a Boy’, ‘Circle of Friends’, ‘Gathering Song’,’ The Servant Song’, ‘Spirit Filled Day’, ‘Love’, ‘The Summons’, ‘Hymn to St Brigid’, ‘They’ll Know We Are Christians By Our Love’, ‘Whatsoever You Do’, ‘Trust in the Lord (Psalm 37)’, ‘The Great Commandment’, ‘Use What You’re Given’, ‘Parish Anthem’, ‘Magnificat’, ‘Christ Be Our Light’, ‘The Beatitudes’,’ Care for the Earth’, ‘We Come To Your Feast’.

PRAY from Grow in Love/I nGrá Dé:


After the Readings

Reader: The word of the Lord.

People: Thanks be to God.


I ndiaidh na Léachta

Léitheoir: Briathar an Tiarna.

Pobal: Buíochas le Dia.


Bless me, O God, so that

in opening this Bible

I may open my mind and heart

to your Word.

May it nourish me

as it nourished Jesus. Amen.


Beannaigh mé, a Dhia, ionas

nuair a osclaím an Bíobla seo

go n-osclóidh mé m’intinn agus

mo chroí

do do Bhriathar.

Go gcothaí sé mé

faoi mar a chothaigh sé Íosa.



‘My lips will proclaim your intervention and tell of your salvation all day, little though it is what I can understand.’(Psalm 70:15)

‘Give your light, Lord, to those who sit in darkness and the shadow of death.’(Benedictus antiphon)

‘We give you thanks, O God; we give thanks to you the one and true Trinity, the one and highest God, the one and all-holy Unity.’ (Magnificat antiphon)

St Norbert, pray for us.

St Jarlath, pray for us.

O Mary conceived without sin; pray for us who have recourse to thee.


‘Besides, we know that approximately one-third of all food produced is discarded, and ‘whenever food is thrown out it is as if it were stolen from the table of the poor.’(Laudato Si’, no. 50)

Sr Anne Neylon



‘Give thanks to the Lord, for his great love is without end.’ (Invitatory antiphon)

St Boniface, bishop and martyr

Edgar Dale (1900-85), an American educator once wrote, that ‘people remember 10% of what they read, 20% of what they hear, 30% of what they see, 50% of what they see and hear, 70% of what they discuss with others, 80% of what they personally experience and 95% of what they teach others.’

The Gospel today (Mk 12:28-34) is proclaimed at Mass via the webcam or read in the New Testament.

A distinct phrase stands out in today’s Gospel (Mk 12:28-34). It reads, ‘many people came to Jesus, and listened to him gladly’. Jesus was a teacher. He taught the Good News not only in words, but also by example. He witnessed to God’s love. He didn’t act on his own accord but listened and acted on the will of his Father. Jesus taught people to pray by praying; to love by loving; to share by sharing; to forgive by forgiving; to serve by serving; to be inclusive by being inclusive of others. Jesus was a popular person though, not liked by everyone. On many occasions in the Gospel, people tried to catch him out. At one stage they intended throwing him over the cliff, but ‘he slipped through the crowd and walked away.’ (Lk 4:30).

Today we are invited to come to Jesus and to stand with those people who ‘listened to him gladly’. As a teacher, Jesus used the experiences of life and the images of the day to teach those who listened. If the people listened ‘gladly’, they might have liked what they heard and they were surely challenged.

In the reading of the second letter from St Paul to Timothy (2 Tim 3:10-17), St Paul praises Timothy because he has ‘closely followed my teaching’. St Paul continues to encourage Timothy in learning the Scripture because ‘it is inspired by God and is useful for teaching, refuting error, for correcting and training in Christian life.’ St Paul finally adds, ‘Through Scripture the man of God is made expert and thoroughly equipped for every good work.’  One wonders did Timothy hear these words gladly.


The children are introduced to Jesus as a teacher from their earliest years in school. They learn that Jesus was born into the Jewish faith, that he lived with his family, prayed, heard and read stories from the Hebrew Scriptures (the Old Testament) and that he worshipped in the synagogue. They also hear that he celebrated Jewish festivals and feasts.  They hear that Jesus’ teachings are written down in the Bible and Jesus continues to teach us every day. Some people believed in Jesus and some did not believe in him. In first-century Palestine a teacher who taught in the synagogue was called a Rabbi.

The first time Jesus spoke publicly to the people was when he read the words from the Book of Isaiah (Lk 4:18-19). Jesus reveals himself as the anointed one, the Christ, the promised Messiah for whom people have been waiting. This is the one of whom John the Baptist foretold. This passage (Lk 4:18-19) tells what Jesus is about, his mission. He announces himself as a teacher and a healer.

As a teacher, Jesus proclaimed the Good News of the Kingdom of God.  When children are introduced to the Kingdom of God, they are taught that this is not a specific location or related to a physical place. It refers to the type of world that God’s people shape when they live according to the values Jesus taught. The Kingdom of God is a reality in our world when God’s people live together in a community of justice, peace and love. God’s people invite the help of the Holy Spirit to discern good choices.

Through the various class levels, children are introduced to many of the parables. A parable is a simple, easy-to-understand story that is used to teach something important. Jesus often told parables to teach people about the Kingdom of God.

Jesus taught his followers how to pray the Our Father. He taught them also; about love; about faith; about hope; about discipleship; about God his Father; about his mother, brothers and sisters; about inclusion; about serving; about being good stewards of God’s creation; about love of neighbour; about attitudes; about forgiveness; the importance of prayer, fasting and almsgiving in their lives; about God’s love for children; about the joy of eternal life; about sending the Holy Spirit to help them; and about his promise to be with them until the end of time.

Resources are accessible including the Children’s e-book and accompanying resources to explore Jesus’ life as teacher, on the VERITAS website:



Password: growinlove


READ from Grow in Love/ I nGrá Dé:

‘The Great Commandment’ (Lk 10:27); ‘The New Commandment’ (Jn 13:34); ‘The Golden Rule’ (Lk 6:31), ‘The Beatitudes’ (Mt 5:1-12), ‘The Parable of the Mustard Seed’ (Lk 13;18-19), ‘The parable of the Good Samaritan’ (Lk 10:25-37), ‘The Lost Coin’ ( Lk 15:8-10), ‘The Parable of the Widow and the Judge’ (Lk 18:1-8), ‘The parable of the Yeast’ (Mt13:33), ‘The Parable of the Hidden Treasure’ (Mt 13:44), ‘The Parable of the pearl’ (Mt 13:45-46).

SING from Grow in Love/I nGrá Dé:

‘Trust in the Lord (Psalm 37)’, ‘Parable Song’, ‘The Great Commandment’, ‘Use What You’re Given’, ‘Parish Anthem’, ‘Magnificat’, ‘Christ Be Our Light’, ‘The Beatitudes’,’ Care for the Earth’, ‘All Things Bright and Beautiful’.

PRAY from Grow in Love/I nGrá Dé:


God our Creator, you have given us

the earth, and the sky and the seas.

Show us how to care for the earth, not

just for today but for ages to come.

Let no plan or work of ours damage

or destroy the beauty of your creation.

Send forth your Spirit to direct us to

care for the earth and all creation. Amen.


A Dhia ár gCruthaitheoir, thug tú an

talamh, an spéir agus na farraigí dúinn.

Taispeáin dúinn conas aire a thabhairt

don domhan, ní hamháin don lá atá inniu ann,

ach do na haoiseanna atá

le teacht freisin.

Ná milleadh aon phlean ná obair

againne áilleacht do chruthithe.

Seol do Spioraid chugainn chun

cabhrú linn aire a thabhairt don

domhan agus don chruthú ar fad.


‘Lovers of your law have found great peace; nothing can make them stumble; not even distress.’(Psalm 118:165)

‘The Lord has visited his people, he has come to redeem them.’(Benedictus antiphon)

‘The Lord has come to help us, his servants; he has remembered his mercy.’ (Magnificat antiphon)

‘Environmental education should facilitate making the leap towards the transcendent…. It needs educators capable of developing an ethics of ecology, and helping people, through effective pedagogy, to grow in solidarity, responsibility and compassionate care.’(Laudato Si’, no. 210)

St Boniface, pray for us.

Sr Anne Neylon



‘Come, let us adore the Lord, for he is our God.’ (Invitatory antiphon)

St Charles Lwanga and Companions, martyrs

‘What the world needs now is love sweet love, It’s the only thing that there’s just too little of, What the world needs now is love sweet love, No, not just for some but for everyone.’ The lyrics of this song highlight the sentiments expressed by David Brophy, conductor of his unique choir made up of family carers, based in Wexford.

David’s new challenge is to ‘highlight and celebrate’ the ‘invaluable and often overlooked role of carers in modern Irish life.’ David Brophy’s ‘Unsung Heroes’ demonstrate how family carers ‘selflessly care for their loved ones around the clock, by choice or more often, by necessity’. The challenge of the carer is increased during this restricted Covid-19 time.

St Paul’s words in the first letter to the people of Corinth (1 Cor 13: 4-13) describes the virtue of love.  He says, ‘Love is patient, kind, without envy. It is not boastful or arrogant. It is not ill-mannered nor does it seek its own interest. Love overcomes anger and forgets offences. It does not take delight in wrong, but rejoices in the truth. Love excuses everything, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love will never end….Now we have faith, hope and love, these three, but the greatest of these is love.’

This familiar Scripture text is used at many liturgical celebrations, including the celebration of the Sacrament of Marriage.

In the first letter of St John (1 Jn 4:8), we read that God is love. If we believe God is love then we can replace the word love in each phrase with God’s name. This helps to reflect on the attributes of God.

A disciple is invited to replace the word ‘Love’ in St Paul’s text (1 Cor 13:4-13), with his/her name. A good exercise for self-reflection!

The Gospel today (Mk 12:28-34) is proclaimed at Mass via the webcam or read in the New Testament.

Love is the theme and God is the first to love and be loved, primarily in the person of Jesus. Jesus witnessed to God’s love to the point of death. Jesus gave up his life to save us on the cross. He is our Saviour and Redeemer.

To ‘love the Lord your God with all your heart’ means loving God with all one’s heart and longing for God and God’s ways. This calls the disciple only to seek what God wants.

To love God with one’s mind involves trying to understand the beauty and extent of God’s unconditional and everlasting love. Praying with God’s word and reflecting on it, the Holy Spirit inspires the disciple to seek God’s love and witness to it in the way of Jesus.

To love God with one’s strength means understanding one’s weakness and depending only on God’s help to strengthen us to accomplish God’s will. To love God with all one’s soul is to love with one’s entire being.

To love one’s neighbour is the second commandment because it cannot be fulfilled without first loving God. God asks us to look at our neighbour as if they were our brothers and sisters.


God is the author of life. God created the world and God saw all was good and indeed, very good. In the first Chapter of Genesis children read the story of Creation. God wants to share love always.

The children experience God’s love in their lives by reflecting on the love of their families, friends and teachers. God’s love is reflected in the beauty of the world about them. It is also reflected in their joy and in the consolation they receive in times of sadness.

Jesus taught the apostles about love and he witnessed to God’s love by sharing the Good News, by praying, healing those who were sick, freeing those who were imprisoned and forgiving those who sinned.

Children learn the new commandment that Jesus gave his friends at the Last Supper (Jn 13:34). The children are familiar with the text of the Great Commandment from the Gospel today. They read and recognise Jesus’ teaching in the New Commandment, the Great Commandment, the Golden Rule and the Beatitudes. Chatting with family, teacher and priest, children reflect on their giving and receiving love in the concrete experiences of their own lives in the light of Sacred Scripture.

As the children use their gifts, talents and abilities for their own growth and for their own well-being and that of others, they show gratitude to God. They learn to give glory, praise and thanks to God in prayer as they take a moment to reflect. They explore situations where they can promote and advocate justice.

Reading the lives of the saints and Christian heroes/heroines will help them to see how people witnessed to Jesus’ love by living lives of holiness. They read the story of Saint Thérèse of Lisieux who invites them to practise her little way of love where she did extraordinary things with great love.

In preparation for the Sacrament of Confirmation, they are taught that love is a fruit of the Holy Spirit.

It is hoped that by reflecting on their own lives and reading Sacred Scripture that each child will grow in the desire to follow Jesus by relating with others in loving, peaceful, inclusive and non-discriminatory ways.

Resources for the theme of love are available on the VERITAS website. The Great Commandment is taught in Fourth Class/P6 with e-book and accompanying resources.



Password: growinlove


READ from Grow in Love/ I nGrá Dé:

‘The Great Commandment’ (Lk 10:27); ‘The New Commandment’ (Jn 13:34); ‘The Golden Rule’ (Lk 6:31), ‘The Beatitudes’ (Mt 5:1-12).

SING from Grow in Love/I nGrá Dé:

‘Trust in the Lord(Psalm 37’, ‘Parable Song’, ‘The Great Commandment’, ‘Use What You’re Given’, ‘Parish Anthem’, ‘Magnificat’, ‘Christ Be Our Light’, ‘The Beatitudes’, ‘All Things Bright and Beautiful’.


PRAY from Grow in Love/I nGrá Dé:


I believe in God,

The Father almighty,

Creator of heaven and earth,

And in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our


who was conceived by the Holy Spirit,

born of the Virgin Mary,

suffered under Pontius Pilate,

was crucified, died and was buried;

He descended into hell;

on the third day he rose again from

the dead;

He ascended into heaven,

and is seated at the right hand of God

the Father almighty,

from there he will come to judge the

living and the dead.

I believe in the Holy Spirit,

the holy Catholic Church,

the communion of saints,

the forgiveness of sins,

the resurrection of the body,

and life everlasting. Amen.


A Spioraid Naoimh, ba mhaith liom an rud ceart a dhéanamh.

Cabhraigh liom.

A Spioraid Naoimh, ba mhaith liom maireachtáil mar a mhair Íosa.

Treoraigh mé.

A Spioraid Naoimh, ba mhaith liom

guí mar a ghuigh Íosa.

Múin dom é.

‘Teach me your ways, O Lord: make known to me your paths.’(Psalm 24:4)


Let us serve the Lord in holiness, and he will deliver us from the hand of our enemies.’(Benedictus antiphon)

‘The Lord brought down the mighty from their seats and raised up the lowly.’ (Magnificat antiphon)

‘Saint Thérèse of Lisieux invites us to practise the little way of love, not to miss out on a kind word, a smile, or any small gesture which sows peace and friendship.’(Laudato Si’, no. 230)

St Charles Lwanga and companions, pray for us.

Sr Anne Neylon



St Kevin, abbot,

‘Let us adore the Lord, for it is he who made us.’(Invitatory antiphon)

Today, the Church celebrates the feast of St Kevin. One can only imagine what it must be like this morning in this hallowed place of Glendalough.  God is alive in the beauty of nature, bird-song, the sun, the mist and rain, scent of summer flowers and hedgerows, the colour, the stirring of so much life; all reflected in the memory of St Kevin and those who lived in early Christian Ireland.  These are all signs of hope and the living God.

Today, the Church remembers St Kevin as a hermit who came from Kilnamanagh, to settle in Glendalough (the Glen of Two Lakes), Co Wicklow. This is a renowned place of retreat and a huge tourist attraction as well as a place of pilgrimage. From earliest times people began to flock to Glendalough to see where Kevin lived. Being a hermit, each day Kevin went to and fro to the face of a cliff high above the Upper Lake, pulling his rope ladder up behind him so he wouldn’t be disturbed. Today, this is called St Kevin’s bed.

Many young men wanted to live like Kevin so he built a large hut where he prayed with the men. In time this building became a monastery, and included a school, a chapel and a house for people who were sick. The place grew so crowded that Kevin settled twelve miles away in a place called Cnoc Rua.

During the Viking era, AD 800 to 1000, a round tower was built in the monastery grounds as a protection for the people against raids on the community.

In Ireland as part of our sacred tradition, pilgrimages hold a significant place.  Pilgrims annually visit St Kevin’s, Glendalough, the Marian Shrine at Knock, St Patrick’s Purgatory, Lough Derg. There are also pilgrimages to local wells, shrines and other sacred places where pilgrims seek silence to pray and reflect.

This year, because of Covid-19, many pilgrimages to these places are cancelled. However, with technological advances, creativity and the determination of organisers, it has been possible to organise virtual pilgrimages. One such virtual pilgrimage is to Lough Derg, Sanctuary of St Patrick, Co Donegal. Pilgrims are invited to participate from 27-29 June, 2020 in a virtual pilgrimage ‘from wherever they are’. They will be accompanied on pilgrimage by the Prior and members of the Lough Derg Pastoral team. Details are available on the website.

Today’s readings (2 Tim 1:1-3) and the Gospel (Mk 12:18-27), will be proclaimed via the webcam or may be read in the New Testament.

In the reading from Paul to Timothy (2 Tim 1:1-3), we hear St Paul’s words to Timothy, ‘I invite you to fan into a flame the gift of God you have received.’ This is how St Kevin responded to God’s call  as he accepted God’s gift to fan the flame of faith and prayer in his life which lives on in Glendalough.

In the Gospel on this occasion the Sadducees, came to Jesus to challenge him about the resurrection. They did not believe in life after death.  The resurrection, Jesus explained, points not something a person lives after death but ‘a transformation and raising up of our whole person’ after he/she dies. This is God’s work. It is impossible for us to understand or perceive the ‘new heavens and the new earth’ as recorded in Sacred Scripture (Is 65:17; Rev 21:1-4).

When he speaks to the Sadducees, Jesus recalls the story of Moses and the event at the burning bush. God revealed Godself there as God of the living, not of the dead.


Children through the Grow in Love programme and in their history, are introduced to life in early Christian Ireland. They explore the strong sense of the natural world to be a source of revelation of the power and beauty of God as Creator. Through praying Psalms 104 and 148, they come to praise and lovingly thank God for the world in which they live. God’s work of Creation continues and God’s people are co-creators with God.

Children grow in awareness and gratitude of the gifts and talents that God gives them. Therefore, they are encouraged by the words of St Paul, ‘to fan into a flame the gift of God.’

Children will also be familiar with the story of Moses at the burning bush where God revealed Godself to him (Ex 3:1-6). God called Moses and told him not to come near and to take off his shoes for he was standing on holy ground.  God said, ‘I Am who Am’.

From the life of St Kevin the children explore the simplicity of a hermit’s life and how he prayed and praised God for the beauty of the work of his Creation. God called St Kevin to this way of life and Kevin responded faithfully in love.  Children explore life in a monastery and spending life outdoors.

A lesson on St Kevin is available with accompanying resources  in Grow in Love, Third Class/ P5 to help the children understand the stories, legends, the environment and life of St Kevin. Check out the website for the e-book, the poster and  icon of St Kevin, the videos and also helpful resources for adults. This content of this lesson can be integrated with Laudato Si’.



Password: growinlove



READ from Grow in Love /I nGrá Dé

‘God Calls Moses’ (Ex 3:1-16)


SING from Grow in Love: ‘Celtic Blessing’, ‘When Creation was Begun’, ‘A Mhuire Mháthair’, ‘Christ Be beside Me’, ‘Use What You’re Given’, ‘Take off your Shoes’., ‘Care for the Earth’.

Pray from Grow in Love/I nGrá Dé


In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.


In ainm an Athar, agus an Mhic agus an Spioraid Naoimh. Áiméan.


Glóir don Athair,

Agus don Mhac,

Agus don Spiorad Naomh,

Mar abhí ó thús,

Mar atá anois

Agus mar a bhéas go brách,

Le saol na saol. Áiméan.


Críost liom.

Críost romham.

Críost I mo dhiaidh.

Críost ionam.

Críost ar mo lámh dheas.

Críost ar mo lámh chlé.

Críost I mo chuideachta is cuma cá dtéim.

Críost mar chara agam, anois go buan. Áiméan.

‘Show us your mercy, O Lord; remember your holy covenant.’(Benedictus antiphon).


‘The Almighty has done great things for me; holy is his name.’ (Magnificat antiphon).


‘To you I lift up my eyes, to you whose throne is in heaven.’(Psalm 122:1).


‘Popular piety enables us to see how the faith, once received, becomes embodied in a culture and is constantly passed on…  In the Exhortation Evangelii Nuntiandi, Pope Paul VI gave a decisive impulse in this area… he stated that popular piety “manifests a thirst for God which only the poor and the simple can know” and that “it makes people capable of generosity and sacrifice even to the point of heroism, when it is a question of bearing witness to belief” (Evangelii Gaudium, no. 123).


St Kevin, pray for us.

Sr Anne Neylon



Ss Marcellinus and Peter, martyrs.

‘The Lord is a great king: come, let us adore him.’ (Invitatory antiphon)

Parents/ guardians sometimes experience their children testing their patience, by being manipulative, demanding, nagging, confronting and putting them and their authority to the test. Some succeed in pushing their parents/guardians to the limit.  This type of behaviour can happen in other relationships between people also, from time to time.

Today’s Gospel (Mark 12:13-17), may be heard proclaimed via webcam or read from the New Testament.

There is a confrontation between the Jews and the authorities. The Pharisees and the Herodians put Jesus to the test hoping to catch him out. They place him in an awkward situation by asking questions about whether taxes should be paid to the Romans. The enemies of Jesus are trying to start a fight with him. They want to show Jesus up in front of the crowd. So their tactic is to ask two loaded questions, ‘is it lawful to pay taxes to the emperor or not? Should we pay them, or should we not? If Jesus says ‘yes’ he is observed as being on the side of the Romans. If Jesus says ‘no’ he could be accused of being insubordinate to them. Jesus doesn’t enter into a discussion but asks for a coin. In asking a question, he let them know they were putting him to the test. Jesus then asked, ‘Whose head is this, and whose title?’ They answered him. Jesus told them to pay. However, Jesus was more interested in telling them, ‘to give to God the things that are God’s.’ He was telling them to act with justice, integrity and honesty.


In the Grow in Love programme, the children will not read this Gospel (Mk 12:13-17,) but they will notice from time to time as Jesus relates with people, and in his ministry that he is put to the test. They will chat about Jesus’ answer to the crowd, ‘Give to God the things that are God’s.’ They chat about ‘what does belong/ does not belong to God in my life?’  In the ‘Our Father’ children pray, ‘Thy will be done’, ‘Lead us not into temptation’, and Deliver us from evil’. They chat about what this means in their personal life.

Children also reflect on times that they too have been tempted and put to the test to choose the right thing to do in life circumstances. They pray to choose God’s way of love. They recognise Jesus’ teaching on love and his witness to love.

In Sacred Scripture they read how Jesus was led by the Spirit into the desert and tempted by the devil (Mt 4:1-11). Jesus too felt weakness but he never gave into temptation. He made sacrifices by giving up his own will and trusted his Father. He invites his disciples to do the same. He will help them along the way of love. Jesus understands our weakness and the times when we fall. He is always ready to forgive and wants us to start anew by his grace.

Children reflect on the prayers they say and their personal communication with God.  Sometimes we too, put God to the test by making demands or manipulating God.  People recognise God as all powerful but they belittle God by saying, ‘why did God let this happen?’ That has been said in this time of Covid-19. Acting in this way, we are setting down conditions for our way of being a disciple. We want to control God; to play according to our rules.

Pope Benedict reminds us that when we do this we are ‘placing ourselves above God.’ Children are taught to recognise this attitude as they explore the story of Adam and Eve (Genesis 2:4-3:24).  This is how the devil tempted Eve in the Garden of Eden. The devil said, ‘Eat this apple, and you will be like God.’

In prayer, children learn at their appropriate level, with the guidance of the Holy Spirit that Jesus was true to himself right to the end of his life. He was single-minded in doing God’s will.

Building sound and healthy relationships are key to a person’s life. God desires that we grow in love with God, God’s people, ourselves and with the environment. This is life-long learning and God plants seeds in hearts that are open and free.

Resources are available on the VERITAS Grow in Love website to help children and families deepen their knowledge of Jesus and the call and challenges to discipleship.



Password: growinlove


SING: ‘Jesus Remember Me When You Come into Your Kingdom’, ‘O Lord hear my Prayer’, ‘The Summons’.


READ: ‘The Temptation of Jesus (Luke 4: 1-13).

PRAY with Grow in Love/I nGrá Dé


O my God, I believe in you

and in all that your holy Church teaches

because you have said it

and your Word is true.

You are the Christ,

the Son of the living God.

Lord, I believe; increase my faith. Amen.


O my God, I put my hope in you

because I am sure of your promises.

Deliver us, Lord, from every evil and

grant us peace in our day,

as we wait in joyful hope for the coming of our Saviour,

Jesus Christ, Amen.


O my God,

I love you with all my heart,

with all my soul, and with all my strength.

Lord, increase our love.

Help us to love one another. Amen.

‘The Lord has raised up a mighty saviour for us, as he promised through the lips of his prophets.’ (Benedictus antiphon)


‘My spirit exalts in the Lord God, my Saviour.’ (Magnificat antiphon).


‘Lord, you have been our refuge through all generations.’ (Psalm 89:1).


‘ The earth, our home, is beginning to look more and more like an immense pile of filth… beautiful landscapes are now covered with rubbish.’ ‘These problems are closely linked to a throwaway culture which affects the excluded just as it quickly reduces things to rubbish.’(Laudato Si’, no. 21-2).


Ss Marcellinus and Peter, please pray for us.

Sr Anne Neylon



The Blessed Virgin Mary Virgin, Mother of the Church, Memorial.

‘Let us come before the Lord, giving thanks.’ (Invitatory antiphon).

Christy Oglesby, senior producer at CNN commented on the recent death of George Floyd in Minneapolis. George’s final moments in the custody of the police were captured as he screamed ‘Mama’. Floyd, handcuffed and held to the ground, pleaded with the officers, one of whom held a knee to George’s neck. Floyd couldn’t breathe. George Floyd’s mother is deceased. But in his cry-‘Mama’, Christy Oglesby heard a call of ‘hope and horror’. ‘Hope because in that moment Floyd hoped the person who gave him life could save him even in death’: And ‘horror because that’s never how a black mama wants to hear her sacred title.’

‘Mama’ is an ‘unwavering declaration of faith’, whatever age a child. Children shout out ‘Mama’ when they are ‘excited, proud, threatened, or in pain’. The child is certain of and waits the response.

Today’s Gospel (Jn 19:25-34) can be heard proclaimed via the webcam or read from the New Testament.

This Gospel reading is also one of horror and hope. To pause and reflect on the Passion of Jesus is a scene of horror. Mary, his Mother and a few others, including John, gazed on Jesus as he was crucified. Mary stood with a broken heart, helpless at the foot of the cross. Before Jesus died, Jesus said to Mary, ‘Woman, here is your son.’ To John, Jesus said, ‘Here is your mother.’ Jesus entrusted Mary to his disciples as their mother.  He entrusted the disciples to Mary as her children. That is our hope, to have Mary as our Mother.

Imagine how Mary felt when she heard Jesus say on the Cross, ‘I am thirsty.’ She longed to give him a drink. Instead Jesus ‘got a sponge full of wine on a branch of hyssop held to his mouth.’ After this, Jesus said, ‘It is finished’ and he bowed his head and gave up his spirit.

Mary is our Mother. We read in Sacred Scripture that Mary and the disciples ‘together gave themselves to constant prayer. With them were some women and also Mary, the Mother of Jesus and his brothers.’ (Acts 1:12-14). Mary is crowned Queen of Heaven and Earth, the one to whom we can entrust ourselves and those who suffer to her care. Disciples can pray with Mary.


Mary, Mother of God and Our Mother, has a central place in the Grow in Love programme. She is the first disciple and leads the disciples to her Son Jesus. Mary and Joseph loved Jesus. Children recognise the family as the Holy Family of Nazareth. They explore the Jewish culture in which Jesus grew up. They witness Jesus as reaching out in love to all people and one who loves  God and God’s people unconditionally.

The Four Strands of the Catholic Preschool and Primary Religious Education Curriculum for Ireland (2015) include Mary, Mother of God.  From Level 2 in the RE Curriculum, ‘Mary’ is included as one strand unit. This ensures that every aspect of Mary’s life is encompassed, especially her deep love and trust in God and her virtuous way of life.

Children experience family life and they begin to appreciate the role/s and love of their parents/guardian. They appreciate that Mary was chosen to be the Mother of Jesus at The Annunciation. She accompanied Jesus through his life. Mary declared herself at the Annunciation as servant of the Lord. She surrendered herself to God’s will. Mary acknowledged the great things God did for her in ‘The Magnificat’.

Children learn to pray to Mary.  When they learn the Mysteries of the Rosary they are introduced to the events in Jesus’ life. Using their Rosary beads throughout the years at school, children pray the Joyful, Sorrowful, Glorious Mysteries of the Rosary and the Mysteries of Light. Children identify the Sacred Scripture associated with each decade of the Mysteries of the Rosary.

Mary, Mother of God is celebrated throughout the Liturgical Year and there are special feasts dedicated to pray in her honour. Mary, Mother of God and Our Mother intercedes for us with Jesus. Families are invited to pray to Mary at home.

Children relate to Mary Mother of God and as their Mother. In prayer, as they take a moment they can ask Mary to pray to Jesus to help them.

Today’s feast day is Mary, Mother of the Church, which encourages the faithful, the People of God, to honour Mary in prayer and with love. Jesus gave us Mary as Mother of the Church. We thank Mary for her faithfulness.

Mary was specially preserved by God from all sin. (The Immaculate Conception).

Today if our local parish church is open, we are invited to visit there, say a prayer and light a candle. In many churches there are shrines dedicated to Mary. We are also invited to light a virtual candle on the VERITAS Grow in Love website.

Mary has appeared in many places throughout the world over centuries. Her appearances are called apparitions. These places are called Marian shrines where pilgrims go and pray. Some of these images of Mary are accessible in the various e-books with accompanying videos on the website.

The children also reflect on Mary’s virtues: woman of faith, joy, fidelity, obedience, patience, gentleness, wisdom, humility, trust and prayer.

Children might identify Mary’s suffering with all parents/guardians who suffer today because their children are bullied, murdered, discriminated against or subject to violence of any kind.

In the Grow in Love programme, children explore life stories of people who stand/ stood up for human rights and against violence and discrimination. Such people might include, Pope Francis, Ruby Bridges, Jean Donovan (1953-80), Fr Edward Flanagan (1886-1948), Samantha Smith (1972-85), St John Paul 11 (1920-2005) and St Oscar Romero (1917-80).

Resources are accessible including the Children’s Grow in Love e-book to read about Mary, Mother of God.  Online videos and interactive activities are also helpful.



Password: growinlove


SING:  ‘When Creation was Begun’, ‘A Mhuire Mháthair’, ‘The Bells of the Angelus’, ‘The Magnificat’, ‘Regina Coeli’.

PRAY with Grow in Love/I nGrá Dé


Hail Mary, full of grace,

the Lord is with thee.

Blessed art thou among women,

and blessed is the fruit of thy womb,


Holy Mary, Mother of God,

pray for us sinners,

now and at the hour of our death.



‘S é do bheatha a Mhuire,

atá lán do ghrásta,

tá an Tiarna leat.

Is beannaithe thú idir mhná,

agus is beannaithe toradh do bhroinne,


A Naomh Mhuire,

a Mháthair Dé,

guigh orainn, na peacaigh,

anois agus ar uair ár mbáis. Áiméan.

‘Blessed be the Lord, our God.’ (Benedictus antiphon).

‘My soul magnifies the Lord, since God has had regard for my humble state.’ (Magnificat antiphon).

‘May my prayer come to you; incline your ear to my cry for help.’ (Psalm 87:3).

‘Mary, the Mother who cared for Jesus….now cares for this wounded world. Just as her pierced heart mourned the death of Jesus, so now she grieves for the sufferings of the crucified poor and for the creatures of this world laid waste by human power.’ (Laudato Si’, no. 241).

‘O Mary conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to Thee.’

Sr Anne Neylon