CATHOLIC SCHOOLS WEEK 2021= St Timothy and Titus 26 January 2021-Memorial


In this time of Covid 19 many children miss seeing their grandparents and vice versa. Social media platforms regularly relay such experiences and personal stories. However, as St Vincent de Paul once said ‘love is infinitely inventive’ and technology helps communication to continue. AN POST also continues its service to help keep intergenerational contact. However, nothing can replace face-to-face contact. The virtual hug is a poor substitute. Nevertheless, viewers’ hearts lifted when Aidan King appeared on the Late Late Toy Show with his family and introduced the virtual hug. What a true gesture of love.  Well done to Aidan! Aidan is still sending out those virtual hugs and so are other people.

This week (24-31 January 2021) as the world celebrates Catholic Schools Week; the Church celebrates the feast of St Timothy and Titus. Both men were disciples and co-workers of St Paul. Timothy accompanied Paul on his travels as he proclaimed the Good News. He was in charge of the Church in Ephesus. Titus was Paul’s messenger and he was in charge of the Church at Crete.

Paul wrote a letter to Timothy long ago, an extract of which the Extraordinary Minister of the Word will proclaim at Mass today (2 Tim 1:1-8). He wished Timothy God’s grace, mercy and peace.  St Paul in the letter said he thanked God for Timothy and remembered him in his prayers. He expresses gratitude for Timothy’s sincere faith, which first came to his grandmother Lois and to Eunice his mother.  Lois and Eunice handed on the gift of faith to Timothy. Paul advises Timothy to share the gift of faith saying ‘fan into a flame the gift God gave you.’ God’s gift of faith is ‘full of power, of love and self-control.’ He also instructs Timothy not to be afraid to witness to faith and love. Paul acknowledges how difficult that will be. He assures Timothy that he can rely on the ‘power of God who has saved us and called us to be holy.’ The assembly will respond to the Word by saying, Thanks be to God.

The message in this letter is not only for Timothy but also for all God’s people. God gives the faithful the grace to live the gift of faith and to share it with others. We can thank God for this gift every day, which we received at Baptism.

The Liturgy of the Day every day, even on Saturday and Sunday connects with the Grow in Love/ I nGrá Dé Religious Education programme for Catholic Primary Schools.

VERITAS offers all the Grow in Love/ I nGrá Dé resources on the Grow in Love/ I nGrá Dé website.



Password: growinlove


  • Thank God for the gift of faith and all other gifts
  • Pray the Act of Faith (Grow in Love/ I nGrá Dé, e book, Sixth Class)
  • Read this section of St Paul’s Letter to Timothy in the Bible (2 Tim 1:1-8)
  • On a map of Europe find Ephesus and Crete
  • St Paul wrote letters to many of the Christian communities. Can you find these letters in the Bible? You will find extracts of these letters at all levels of the Grow in Love/ I nGrá Dé Usually God’s people hear an extract of one of St Paul’s letters read on Sunday at Mass.
  • Families might like to talk about how Timothy’s Grandmother Lois and his mother Eunice shared faith with Timothy. How can families share faith today?
  • Draw a picture of ways you can share your faith by praying and reading your favourite Bible story and showing acts of kindness.

Sr Anne Neylon